Monday, 10 December 2012

LoveLeighRoad Day

I work in a small café that is located on a sort of "mini high street". All of the shops around us are independent, and it's a really lovely community with vintage clothes shops, antique shops, art gallery and the usual green grocers, florist etc.

Over the last few years the street has had less and less customers coming to pay us all a visit. We decided that we should re-brand the street into one big shopping community.  Our launch of this was on the 1st of December where we had a big promotional day. There where loads of activities, games, tastings and discounts, and later on a live jazz performance.

It has been such a fun experience, especially working closely with the branding and marketing company that are helping us. We have had such a great response from it, and I thought I’d share a few pictures from the day with you.

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